

A Very Happy Hello to You All! Well, hello there! How have you all been doing? Sitting and doing blogging hasn’t been my forte, but, one day I hope to get much better at it. I would have hoped that this would have been a weekly thing, but, alas, I let things get away from me. Have you been programming? The long and short is: unfortunately, no. I get really overwhelemed learning coding for some reason at it looks very daunting to me.

A Dream, A Failure

Mental Anguish, Physical Pseudo Prowess Hello, Dear Reader! Welcome back to my humble blog! Its been a hectic month or two since I posted last, but, here we are! I finally got off my laurels and started my side business’ website with my domain host over at Kitterman Creative. Check us out if you need some 3D Printed goodness or some custom stuff for whatever! I wish that I could go on and on about how good its doing, but, we have but one repeat customer.


Another Week, Another Post Ponderances Beyond I sit and ponder another week of work and wonder, am I headed down the right path? How’s it going, folks? Here I sit, engineering a fitting I accidentally broke on my CR10S Pro v2 and wonder, is all this right? Don’t get me wrong, everything is going fairly well (knock on wood), but, I always wonder if I am headed down the right path, y’know?

Lyrics and Me

New Week, New Post Well, hello there! Glad to be making you a new post, dear reader! I sincerly hope your week went well and you accomplished or set a goal or two! It has definitely been a week of trials and tribulations in my camp, but, I continue on. I am re-starting my efforts to run my own Jellyfin server again for my house, so, there is that! The setup was much easier than previous efforts, but, we will see if it stays connected or stops a bunch this time.

My Thoughts on Linux

It’s Time Ah, yes. A new week and a new blog has yet to be written. Heck, I still have some cars to make for next weeks Race. But, before that, I have some thoughts and opinions! But, the Race Wrap-Up! Fine, fine. Tl;Dr, I took second and third in the race. We did King of the Hill style with eight cars and I got four in, three after the challenge was issued.

Race Day Woes

Race Day Sunday, sunDAY, SUNDAY! The day I love and dread all at once. A few months ago, I took up diecast collecting and modifying. Excuse the mess.. It has been a blast! With the modifying, came the racing of them as well. Axel swaps from stock to nickel-plated or just faster wheels. It was all pretty exciting! A New Dawn I went to my first race day and was explained how it works

Warm Evenings, Warmer Posts

Welcome Back I sincerly hope you enjoyed reading my first post! Since my first post, I have learned a couple things: I had not secured my site on Netlify (oops) Securing it was very easy after I got it going Git was much easier than I originally thought These all seem like very integral lessons to me! I think I may have had a breakthrough in what I would consider for my ultimate goal: SysAdmin

First Steps into a Bright New World

A Hopeful Intro in a Dim World One man on a simple mission: to find his path forward and out of the Air Capital and into a tech-filled world. Hello World, my name is Mick. I’m a 30 year old and have a simple, yet grandiose dream: get my FOSS-loving self a job in tech. A Little About Me I have been grinding out non-career jobs for over a decade and went to school for Information Technology.